"apa yang orang lihat dari kesuksesan saya cuma 1%, tapi 99% yang tak terlihat adalah kegagalan saya"
(Soichiro Honada)
-Ikha Oktavianti, English Department 06- 22/04/09 10:44PM
"different is better than perfect"
-Astaria Purwaningrum, English Department 06- 24/04/09 04:35PM
"the only free cheese is in the mouse trap"
-Akhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 26/04/09 03:08PM
"if truly love nature, you'll find beauty everywhere"
(Vincent Van Gogh)
-Astaria Purwaningrum, English Department 06- 26/04/09 09:06PM
people look at you and me to see what they are supposed to be. and if we don't disappoint them maybe, just maybe they won't disappoint us"
(Walt Disney)
-Rena APrilia, English Department 06- 26/04/09 0943PM
Album of the Year 2015
9 years ago