"sometimes true best friends we have are ourselves and time itself. they won't ever leave us , no matter we are happy or sad"
"indahnya pagi hanya dapat dinikmati di pagi hari. bukannya siang nanti atau esok hari"
"when you build an 'it's all about you' life, then actually you make selfisness distracting your precious world"
"there might be so many good things come when morning arrives"
"night is the right time to cover ourselves with hope and dreams we shall get tomorrow"
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Post... 2
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
11:33 AM
"apa yang orang lihat dari kesuksesan saya cuma 1%, tapi 99% yang tak terlihat adalah kegagalan saya"
(Soichiro Honada)
-Ikha Oktavianti, English Department 06- 22/04/09 10:44PM
"different is better than perfect"
-Astaria Purwaningrum, English Department 06- 24/04/09 04:35PM
"the only free cheese is in the mouse trap"
-Akhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 26/04/09 03:08PM
"if truly love nature, you'll find beauty everywhere"
(Vincent Van Gogh)
-Astaria Purwaningrum, English Department 06- 26/04/09 09:06PM
people look at you and me to see what they are supposed to be. and if we don't disappoint them maybe, just maybe they won't disappoint us"
(Walt Disney)
-Rena APrilia, English Department 06- 26/04/09 0943PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
11:32 AM
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Upseter
"why so many upsets while there are happy faces out there"
"world sometimes can be so ugly..
actually, that is the thing that makes the beauty can be seen clearly"
"the absence of responsibility makes our life boring. that's why, to make our life thrilling, take some responsibilities"
"sometimes, true best friends we have are ourselves and time itself. they won't ever leave us, no matter we are happy or sad"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
1:47 PM
temanku bilang,
"waktu kamu lahir, kamu menangis dan orang-orang di sekelilingmu tersenyum. jalanilah hidupmu dengan baik, sehingga saat kamu meninggal, kamu tersenyum dan orang-orang di sekelilingmu menangis"
-Mega Anastasia, English Department 07- 19/04/09 09:33AM
"prior preparation prevents poor performance"
-Akhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 20/04/09 04:33AM
"responsibility is the starting point to make life"
-Astaria Purwaningrum, English Department 06- 20/04/09 07:09PM
"character is determined more by the lack of certain experiences than by those one has had"
-Chrisna Canis- 20/04/09 09:52PM
"failures make us think, thinking makes us wise, wisdom makes life profitable"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 20/04/09 10:29PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
1:39 PM
Sunday, April 19, 2009
We Can Get Something Great Anywhere
“bahkan dari hal yang menurut kita buruk sekalipun ada sesuatu yang dapat kita nikmati dan syukuri”
“one thing we need to think for our life..
have we found the beauties in life?”
“morning is the best gift we can get freely. we don’t have to pay to get so many beauties outside”
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
8:05 AM
What we learn... that's Important
“from failure we learn something, from success we learn nothing”
-Makna SInatria, English Department 07- 18/04/09 09:33 PM
“when God created evening & Morning & Earth & seas He knows it was good..
when God created you’re the blessing for everyone around you”
-Merinda Naraswati- 18/04/09 11:39PM
“a lesson from the ants
no matter how busy they are, they stop to greet their friend”
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 19/04/09 12:36AM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
7:59 AM
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Another Morning
"it's easy o hear...
but it needs humility to listen"
"hope means nothing if you don't have any courage to seize it"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
6:31 AM
Morning Comes
"clothes reflected a message
clothes are seen before voices are heard
particular clothes connected with particular behavior"
-Astaria Purwaningrum, English Department 06- 12/04/09 02:21PM
"just like a newspaper, life is about 5W1H= what,who, why,where, when, and how"
-Astaria Purwaningrum, English Department 06- 12/04/09 08:28 PM
"may the wind always be on your back and the sun upon your face and may the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with stars"
(Johny Depp)
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 12/04/09 08:20 PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
6:22 AM
Monday, April 13, 2009
Never Put Your Happiness Away
"sincerity is the most healing medicine for the illness of diappointment"
though it looks so simple, but it makes our days much better"
"ketidakberdayaan seorang manusia bukanlah di saat ia sedang mengalami kegagalan.. melainkan di saat ia berhenti berjuang meskipun ada segenggam harapan"
"terkadang karena terlalu sibuk mengejar kebahagiaan yang besar, tanpa kita sadari kita telah melewatkan kebahagiaan-kebahagiaan kecil yang sebenarnya patut untuk kita syukuri"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
5:36 AM
Sometimes We Feel We're Going Down
"Sometimes the best view of God is from hell"
-Astaria Purwaningrum, English Department 06- 07/04/08 03:09 PM
"janganlah mengubah pengetahuanmu menjadi kebodohan dan keyakinanmu menjadi keraguan. jika engkau mengetahui sesuatu maka amalkanlah dan jika engkau meyakini sesuatu maka melangkahlah"
-Adi Nurcahyo- 09/04/09 11:08 AM
"orang-orang yang gagal dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu mereka yang berpikir gagal padahal tidak pernah melakukannya dan mereka yang melakukan kegagalan dan tidak pernah memikirkannya"
(John Charles Salak)
-Adi Nurcahyo- 11/04/09 07:40 PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
5:32 AM
Saturday, April 11, 2009
"orang yang menyenangkan ialah seseorang yang dapat membuat kita merasa berharga di saat kita bahagia dan dapat memahami kita di saat kita merasa kecewa"
"we are sometimes hard to find the beauty in life.. but actually the beauty in life is life itself"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
3:31 PM
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
To Be Somebody
"sometimes we make mistakes in every single thing. But anyway, making mistakes is a process to be better man, so that we won't make same mistakes twice"
-Aji Dwi, English department 06- 01/04/09 12:06 am
"memang menyenagkan jadi orang penting..
tetapile lebih penting menjadi orang yang menyenagkan"
-Ikha Oktavianti, English department 06- 05/04/09 06"49 pm
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
10:19 AM
Sunday, April 5, 2009
"sometimes... we make mistake in life and feel so sorry for it. but that's better than we never make any mistake cos we never do anything"
"if you haven't got playing guitar...
then don't blame the guitar"
"one of the most deadliest diseases in the world is vanity. it kills you slowly before you realize it"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
2:05 PM
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Wasteland by Augustana
entah kenapa belakangan ini saya senang sekali dengerin lagu-lagu dari Augustana, band asal San Diego, California. mungkin karena musiknya yang enak didengar atau liriknya yang lumayan mudah dipahami.
Salah satu lagu yang saat ini sering berdengung di pikiran saya adalah Wasteland,dari album pertamanya All The Stars and Boulevards. kenapa saya senang dengan lagu ini, mungkin karena liriknya yang menggambarkan keadaan di mana kita merasa sepeti berada di tempat yang tidak semestinya. tempat yang membuat kita merasa seperti orang yang terbuang, tidak ada yang memperhatikan kita, dan menganggap kita hanyalah kerikil yang tidak dilihat keberadaanya.
namun sebenarnya, lagu ini tidak menggambarkan diri saya sepenuhnya saat ini, melainkan lagu ini memberikan semangat kepada saya untuk selalu merasa berharga dimanapun kita berada. karena sebenarnya, seberapa kecil sesuatu yang telah kita kerjakan di dunia ini (baik itu sesuatu yang baik ataupun buruk)akan berpengaruh terhadap dunia ini. ya.. mesti terdengar terlalu berlebihan tetapi begitulah kenyataanya...
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
9:33 AM
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Honest is Better
"life will be much better if we can be honest to ourselves and others"
"let's close the book of yesterday and start believing that we'll find so many great things in our book of today"
"in every adversity, there are so many lessons we can get to make ourselves wiser"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
5:24 AM