Monday, October 26, 2009

What happen Next?

"miracle comes to those who have enough faith. believe it! and you'll be surprised what will happen in the next day"

"don't stop hoping for the best, cos we'll never know what will happen next"

Any Road...

"i will not take any road till i know precisely where i am going. we have many choices of road to take if we have clear purpose to where we decide to go"
-Hermanto, English Department 06- 07:31PM 14/10/09

"happiness is a decision instead of a condition nor a situation, so i choose to be happy."
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 01:32PM 25/10/09

"a good friend is not like media which will differ by time and space, a good friend will always exist any time and any space"
-Akhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 08:51PM 25/10/09

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday Ever...

"tidak ada kebaikan yang sia-sia dan tidak ada kejahatan yang tak terbalaskan"
-AKhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 07:09AM 28/09/09

"waktu terlalu lama bagi yang menunggu, terlalu cepat bagi yang takut, terlalu panjang bagi yang gundah, terlalu pendek bagi yang bahagia, tapi bagi mereka yang mencintai waktu adalah abadi"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 03:25PM 10/10/09

Friday, October 16, 2009


"a well-accepted person is not the one who tries to be others, but the one who cares of the others and has contribution and kindness to the others - the society"
-Akhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 11:13PM 05/10/09

"the acceptance to the other people is one of the keys to get happiness"
-AKhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 07:29PM 03/10/09