"menyerah memang mudah untuk dilakukan, namun bukan untuk itulah manusia diciptakan"
"bintangpun tidak akan kehilangan keindahannya saat kita merasa kecewa.. karena itulah kita terlalu berlarut dalam kesedihan"
"when you finally don't get what you really want, just let it GO.. it's the only remedy you can get for free"
Thursday, July 30, 2009
There's Always A Bright Side in Every Single Thing..
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
10:07 AM
MIles Away
"trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gates of eternity"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 19/07/09 12:36AM
"for every dark night, there's always a brighter day"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 24/07/09 09:59PM
"a good example is someone who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way"
-Rena Aprilia, ENglish Department 06- 28/07/09 10:00PM
"the world is playground, so who care, do what you want"
-Astaria Purwaningrum, English Department 06- 22/07/09 12:49PM
"opimisme adalah harapan yang matang, keyakinan yang dan kepercayaan pada waktu atau pada masa depan yang menjelma menjadi energi jiwa yang dahsyat. dari sana para pahlawan mukmin menemukan dorongan jiwa yang tidak pernah habis untuk terus bekerja dan bekerja, berkarya dan berkarya lagi"
-Nurhamsih, English Department 06- 23/07/09 08:37PM
"don't fill your heart with hatred. fill it with peace and harmony. just like me, smile everyday"
-Aji Dwi, English Department 06- 29/07/09 03:29PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
9:37 AM
Saturday, July 18, 2009
"cinta akan lebih terasa bermakna saat engkau membagikannya, bukan saat kau mengharapkannya"
"no matter how, time will always escort you through sadness and sorrow, through emptiness and doubt, to find some joy and happiness, and a better tomorrow"
"saat kamu merasa bahwa tidak ada hal di dunia ini yang dapat membuatmu tersenyum. ingatlah, ada satu hal yang masih dapat kamu lakukan agar kamu tersenyum.. 'buatlah orang yang kamu sayangi tersenyum'"
"in the hardest hour of your life, when you see the light shines through your window.. just remember, there will be another brighter tomorrow"
"even the stars refuse to shine.. it doesn't mean that they're not there accompanying you to pass the night"
"love can bring you to the highest sky of heaven, or hurt you to the bottom of the ocean"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
8:41 PM
Saturday Night
"kalau kamu merasa lemah, coba jadilah pendengar yang baik buat sekitarmu dan kuatkan mereka, maka kamu akan merasa menjadi lebih kuat dengan sendirinya"
-Tri WUlandari, English Department 06- 09/07/09 09:31 pm
"angel east angel west
please protect my friend i love best
hold with a hug.. seal with a kiss
i adore my friend who's reading this"
-Novika Trisky, English Department 06- 13/07/09 11:16 pm
"you won't know love if you just see it, not feel it"
-AKhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 17/07/09 07:03 pm
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
8:30 PM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Untitled #7
"kita tidak perlu tahu jalan mana saja yang harus kita lewati, asalkan kita yakin dengan tujuan kita, Tuhan pasti akan membukakan jalan untuk kita"
"when today didn't come as what you suppose to be, just remember.. you still have a time to fix the rest of the day to make your tomorrow much better"
"bersyukurlah atas apapun yang didapat di hari ini... jika tidak mendapat satu halpun yang dapat disyukuri setidaknya bersyukurlah karena masih dapat membaca tulisan ini"
"when you feel that all of your friendsleave you and no one cares about you.. just remember , yourself can be a true bestfriend for you"
"best gifts God give to us are family, friendship, and good music"
"world sometimes can be very dangerous, but there are things that always keep us safe.. family, best friend, and good music"
"the reason why God create good music is, to heal your troubled heart when all of your friends can't"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
12:43 PM
"the more bitter desert experience, the sweeter the water of oasis"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 23/06/09 02:10PM
"if something or somebody hurts you, just keep moving on"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 26/06/09 07:53PM
"we aren't loser coz nobody cares of and like us, yet we are coward if we don't care of what others suffer and cry on"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 01/07/09 08:00PM
"good person will not be leftor even ignored by her/his good friens as long as s/he becomes a good friend for her/his friends"
-Akhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 29/06/09 05:09PM
"menyikapi kekalahan sangat berbeda saat kita menasehati seseorang dalam menyikapi kekalahan"
-Akhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 05/07/09 08:42PM
"banyak temen-temen pergi dikala kita udah gak berarti , tapi temen sejati akan selalu menganggapmu berarti walaupun dirimu menganggap dirimu tak berarti"
-Akhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 07/07/09 07:39PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
12:32 PM