::senyap tak berarti hilang::
::diam tak berarti lupa::
::jauh tak berarti putus::
::karena antara kita adalah kawan::
-Ikke D.P., English Department 07- 14/06/09 03:12 PM
"in the time of difficulties & troubles, don't ever say:
but just say:
HEY PROBLEM, I HAVE A BIG GOD. that's Allah. remember Allah in your time!"
-Ikke D.P., English Department 07- 22/06/09 09:40 PM
"life is too short to nurse hatred, we must learn to forgive and forget"
-Astaria Purwaningrum, English Department 06- 14/06/09 09:03 PM
"hari lalu bolehlah dikenang,
hari ini boleh dinikmati,
hari esok boleh diharapkan,
tape hendaklah engkau optimis dengan harapanmu bahwa hari esok akan lebih baik dari hari ini"
-Adi Nurcahyo- 18/06/09 09:28 AM
"we don't choose our family. thay are God's gift to you. as you are to them"
(Desmond Tutu)
-Ikha Oktavianti, English Department 06- 19/06/09 10:28 PM
"a merry heart is like a medicine. it's shooting for your sadness, gives you joy. so lift your voice and true happiness is your without alloy"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 20/06/09 08:41 PM
"don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today. postponment may bring sorrow. prompt action is the way"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 20/06/09 09:25 PM
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Hardest Times
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
5:21 AM
Friday, June 19, 2009
Friendship Keeps Us Going
"that's what keeps us going. everyone of them brings a tear to your eyes and makes these slepless night worth it"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 10/06/09 02:28AM
"you will lost your way unless you ask"
-Rena Aprilia, ENglish Department 06- 13/06/09 09:04AM
"friendship is not words, but meaning"
-Astaria Purwaningrum, English Department 06- 12/06/09 08:08 PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
7:27 PM
Monday, June 8, 2009
New Post
"when you're frowning.. you let yourself cover your beautiful smile to the world"
"do what you have to do right now just like there's no excuse for tomorrow"
"challenges are not made to stop our step, but rather they are made to make ourselves stronger and humbler"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
10:42 AM
Sun also Rises
"anatomy of a friend:
EYES: to look at you
HANDS: to hold you
MIND: to remember you
HEART: to miss you
LEGS: to kick you if you forget me!!"
-Ikke Verlita, English Department 07- 02/06/09 09:19PM
"janganlah terlalu mencintai seseorang, barangkali suatu saat akan membencinya. jangan pula terlalu membenci seseorang, mungkin suatu saat kau akan menyayangi dan mencintainya. sesuatu yang baik adalah yang sedang-sedang saja"
-Adi Nurcahyo- 04/06/09 11:04PM
"and if they make you upset and down, if they make you feel nothing and angry .. just keep moving on cos you still have somebody to trust: yourself!!"
-Rena Aprilia, English department 06- 05/06/09 01:27PM
"we neverget tired unless we stop and make time for it. just learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow"
-Rena Aprilia, English epartment 06- 06/06/09 08:17 PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
10:41 AM
Monday, June 1, 2009
Friendship Never Ends
"memang menyenangkan berada di puncak. namun hal tersebut menjadi tak berguna jika kita melupakan teman-teman kita di bawah. alangkah lebih menyenangkan bila kita bisa berada di puncak bersama-sama"
"persahabatan sejati itu sebening embun di pagi hari, sehangat mentari di siang hari, seindah langit di sore hari, dan seterang bintang di malam hari"
"whenever we're happy or sad, life will never lose its beauty"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
2:03 PM
One Day...
"the greatness comes when you're really tested, when you take some disappointments, when sadness comes"
(Isabella Duncan)
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 20/05/09 09:40PM
"believe that the sad times of today are the good thoughts of tomorrow"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 20/05/09 09:45PM
"setengah kejujuran merupakan kebohongan yang utuh"
-Adi Nurcahyo- 24/05/09 11:27AM
"your life is only one day, that is today. yesterday has gone, and tomorrow is not coming yet"
-Letizia Hanum, English Department 06- 27/05/09 10:58PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
1:53 PM