"even in a worst condition...there must be, at least, one reason to be grateful and happy"
"sometimes, we feel that ideas are rare to find.
actually, they don't go anywhere. we just can't see that they're very close enough to us"
Saturday, March 28, 2009
There Must Be One Reason To Be Happy
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
1:26 PM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
"life is wonderful, as you believe it
life is beautiful as you love it,
life is fruitful as you enjoy it,
life is worthy as you praise it.
life change color as your mind change.
i call my life a s fortune , no matter how i am always fortunate!"
-Ikha Oktavianti, English Department 06- 23/03/09 10:36 PM
"chance won't wait us coz it's seized by the strongest one"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 23/03/09 11:00 PM
"my friend said:
birth and death are certainty..
the question is , what would we do between them??
..let's ask to ourselves.."
-Mega Anastasia, English Department 07- 24/03/09 07:27 PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
8:19 AM
Monday, March 23, 2009
Tomorrow Shines Through
"life is about taking a chance. how far you will come is the result of every chance you take"
"time sometimes can be the best friend when we're upset. it always heals yourself though all your friends are not there"
"teman sejati datang dari hati, bukan dari materi yang bersifat ilusi"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
12:28 PM
Missing Yesterday
"why should you wish for a great life if you can plan it by yourself?"
taken from= things to do before you die..
-Risti Rininta, English Department 06- 19/03/09 11:52 PM
"manusia yang paling lemah adalah orang yang tidak sanggup mencari teman, tapi yang lebih lemah daripada itu adalah orang yang menyia-nyiakan teman yang telah diperolehnya"
(Imam Al Ghozali)
-Adi Nurcahyo- 22/03/09 11:02 PM
"when my desperate feeling shouts "give up and quit!"
hope inside my heart whispers "try it one more time!""
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 22/03/09 11:35 PM
"pulau yang indah bukanlah yang mempunyai minyak berlimpah tetapi yang mempunyai kehijauan dan kesejukan bagi yang memilikinya dan bagi yang melihatnya"
-Akhmad Arifin, nglisgh Department 06- 23/03/09 05:52 AM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
12:18 PM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Friends are ....
"we're born alone, we live alone and we die alone. only through our love and friendship we can create the illusion that we're not alone"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 16/03/09 11:56 PM
"kemenangan yang didapat dengan banyak atau sedikit kecurangan tak akan bisa membuat diri kita benar-benar bahagia.."
-Akhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 17/03/09 06:14 AM
"night is the best time to be peaceful, to wonder on things, to appreciate life, to plan your tomorrow, and to thank God for all the blessings today"
-Chrisna Canis, Administrasi Negara 06- 17/0309 11:06 PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
8:25 PM
Better Than Nothing
"contemplating about what you've already done today, is one of the good things to start yourself for tomorrow"
"feeling guilty is one of the effective punishments for making mistake. it's like a chain that wont let you free before you have an apology"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
8:18 PM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Untitled 1
"great person is somebody who has desire to learn"
"be careful with your thought, cos good things or bad things are coming from it"
"sometimes waiting is wasting, but if you want to spend your time doing something positive, the you'll find something interesting"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
10:31 AM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Everyday Is Just A Start of Something Beautiful
"if we can see our life in a right direction, we will find that our life is an exciting place to discover"
"EXPERIENCE...though hard to spell, but easy to get"
"the best thing we can learn from our best friend is...he/she is not only hard to get, but also difficult to forget"
"life's like poetry, there are a lot of beauties on it"
"loneliness means...we're given a chance to know and understand ourselves once again"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
6:05 PM
Saturday Looks Great for Me
"if better is possible, good is not enough"
-Akhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 11/03/09 08:55 AM
"Orang yang mampu mengekspresikan diri termasuk orang yang berbahagia, karena semua kemampuan, keunikan, dan ide serta pemikirannya tertuang dalam kanvas kesuksesan dan tinggal menunggu hasilnya"
-Akhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 14/03/09 01:32 PM
"Life's like a poem, it is empty even badwhen we don't understand the meaning in it. it's beautiful even wonderful when we catch and know how to read it..
-Akhmad Arifin, English Department 06- 14/03/09
"Allah tidak menjajikan langit selalu biru,bunga selalu mekar, bahkan mentari selalu bersinar di tiap kehidupan. tapi Allah berjanji bahwa dengan Rahman & Rahiimnya akan selalu bersama dalam keadaan apapun, Allah akan memberi pelangi di tiap vadai, senyum di tiap air mata, berkah di tiap cobaan, cinta di tiap helaan nafas, dan jawaban di setiap doa"
-Sofa N. Azizah, Fak. Pertanian 07- 14/03/09 09:56 AM
"when the world is on your shoulder, just smile and leit it go. if people try to put you down, just walk on by. don't turn around, you only have to answer to yourself"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 14/03/09 12:55 PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
5:56 PM
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Straight Ahead
"problems are like a puzzle, though look hard to solve, but those obviously can be solved with the right mind in the right time.
"just remember... our life is reflection of ourselves. if we see our life brightly, then we'll always find the bright side of our life"
"if we declare ourselves as human being, then we must ready facing every challenge ahead"
"true winner is someone who can appreciate both success and failure"
"enjoy your today and make it beautiful. cos it will be ten times beautiful after it is framed into memory"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
8:32 AM
Life is ...
"Life is like a box of chocolate, you'll never know what you gonna get"
-Astaria Purwaningrum, English Department 06- 09/03/09 07:07 PM
"when you Wait for SOMETHING or SOMEONE, you some time doing very little. because you can't act until that thing HAPPENS or that person ARRIVES"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department javascript:void(0)06- 10/03/09 08:30 PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
8:17 AM
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Transportation to The Light
"A smile comes after the tears...
Happiness comes after the pain...
That's natural, like the rainbow comes after the rain..."
-Mega Anastasia, English Department 06- 03/07/09 07:01 PM
"it doesn't need thinking hard TO BE WISE... but you only need following your intuition rightly"
-Mega Anastasia, English Department 06- 03/07/09 07:09 PM
"May the laughter that you find in your tomorrow wipe away the pain you find in your yesterday"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 03/07/09 09:46 PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
7:45 AM
...as the green grass sealed my longing
"Have you planted seeds of kindness today? if you already have, well, CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOU!!! cos tomorrow you'll reap lot of happiness on your day"
"if you cannot understand the meaning of friend, then you'll be difficult find the essence of friendship"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
7:38 AM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
#4 Quotations
"When you face somebody's fault with anger, then you let the evil of the world controlling yourself"
"sing the song of joy when you feel lonely. Sing serenity when you feel happy. so that you can appreciate your life lively"
"sometimes... to find the essence of the end we should go back again to the beginning"
"When you've already learned something, you'll realize then that you're still nothing and you need to learn more about anything"
"When we're children, we found that magic does exist. then after we grow older we find nothing about it. actually, it is not disappeared too early. we just can't see it frankly, but we still can feel it deeply"
"we always worry about personal problems we have. but i think, what we suppose to worry about is why we can't acknowledge the abundance we have"
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
9:07 AM
#3 QUotations
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06-
"If you have made mistakes even serious one, there's always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 03/05/09 09:11 PM
"Keep fighting for everything. Remember loneliness and failure will never hinder us to chase it"
-Rena Aprilia, English Department 06- 03/05/09 09:54 PM
"Let's do our best and let God do the rest"
-Fajar Rizky, English Department 06- 03/05/09 10:26 PM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
8:46 AM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
#2 Quotations
"Kesabaran yang hakiki adalah kemauan yang keras untuk menjadi dan memperoleh apa yang kita idamkan sekalipun itu memerlukan proses dan memakan waktu"
-Ikha Oktavianti, English Department 06-
03/03/09 09:23 PM
"memories are our transportation to the past while dreams are our transportation to the future" (Time machine)
-Rizka Augusta, English Department 06-
03/03/09 09:33 PM
"Corage is not about the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that there is something more important than fear"
-Novtiyanto Hendrawan, English Department 06-
03/04/09 05:55 PM
Take the good and the bad in your life. Surely it will be your accompany along your way.
-Aji Dwi, English Department 06-
03/05/09 12:59 AM
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
7:26 PM
#1 Quotations
"The most beautiful time happened in this life is when we finally find that life is worth to live"
"Smile is the most precious and expensive make-up we can get it freely, it doesn't only bright your face, but it gives friendships too"
"The surest cure for your friends's sorrow is your existence beside them"
"happiness doesn't mean you get everything you want, but it means you get everything you need"
"Like the brightest star as the night arrives, both adorn each other. So that makes the night beautiful and alive" (this is dedicated to my friends Wisnu and Wulan, Mates of English Department 06)
Posted by
Ferrial Pondrafi
7:17 PM